
A string of alphanumeric characters that represents a unique identifier for a cryptocurrency wallet.
Any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin.
An application-specific integrated circuit, designed specifically for mining cryptocurrencies.
A distributed, decentralized ledger that records all cryptocurrency transactions.
Block reward
The amount of cryptocurrency awarded to a miner for adding a new block to the blockchain.
Centralized exchange
A cryptocurrency exchange that is owned and operated by a single entity.
Cold storage
The practice of storing cryptocurrency offline in a secure, offline wallet to protect it from hackers.
The process of validating a cryptocurrency transaction by adding it to the blockchain.
A mechanism used by blockchain networks to ensure that all nodes agree on the state of the ledger.
A digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security and operates independently of a central bank.
Decentralized exchange
A cryptocurrency exchange that operates on a decentralized blockchain network.
Decentralized ledger
A distributed, decentralized ledger that records all cryptocurrency transactions.
The measure of how difficult it is to find a valid block in a blockchain network.
Double spending
The act of spending the same cryptocurrency twice, which is prevented by the blockchain network.
A technical standard used for smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
EVM stands for Ethereum Virtual Machine. The EVM is a virtual machine that runs code on the Ethereum blockchain.
A website that gives away small amounts of cryptocurrency as a promotional tool.
Fiat currency
A government-issued currency that is not backed by a commodity such as gold.
Fear of missing out, a psychological phenomenon that can influence cryptocurrency market behavior.
A split in a blockchain network, resulting in the creation of two separate cryptocurrencies.
The fee paid to miners to process a transaction on the Ethereum blockchain.
The process of reducing the block reward in a cryptocurrency network.
A mathematical function that converts data into a fixed-length string of alphanumeric characters.
Hash rate
The measure of the computational power of a miner or mining network.
A misspelling of “hold,” which has become a popular meme among cryptocurrency enthusiasts.
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a fundraising mechanism used by new cryptocurrency projects.
Joy of Missing Out (JOMO) is opposite of FOMO.
Know your customer, a regulatory requirement for cryptocurrency exchanges and other financial institutions.
A record of all cryptocurrency transactions in a blockchain network.
Lightning network
A layer 2 scaling solution for the Bitcoin network.
Market capitalization
The total value of all cryptocurrency in circulation.
The process of adding new blocks to a blockchain network.
A computer that participates in the validation and processing of cryptocurrency transactions on a blockchain network.
A random number used in the mining process to create a valid block hash.
When transactions are registered directly on the blockchain and distributed to all parties involved, they are considered on-chain transactions.
An off-chain transaction refers to a transaction that takes place outside of the blockchain network, enabling quicker processing times and lower costs.
Paper wallet
A form of cold storage for cryptocurrency that involves printing out a wallet’s private key.
A type of network architecture that allows users to communicate directly with each other, without a central authority.
Private key
A string of alphanumeric characters that allows a user to access their cryptocurrency wallet.
Proof of work
A consensus mechanism used by some blockchain networks that requires miners to perform computational work to validate transactions.
Public key
A string of alphanumeric characters that is used to receive cryptocurrency.
Pump and dump
A type of market manipulation where traders artificially inflate the price of a cryptocurrency before selling off their holdings.
QR code
A two-dimensional barcode.
A real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange and remittance network, and cryptocurrency.
The smallest unit of a Bitcoin, named after the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.
A mining algorithm used by some cryptocurrencies, such as Litecoin.
Segregated Witness
A protocol upgrade for the Bitcoin network that allows for increased transaction throughput and reduced fees.
A hashing algorithm used by the Bitcoin network.
Smart Contract
A self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code.
Soft fork
A protocol upgrade that is backwards compatible with older versions of the software.
A programming language used for writing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.
A cryptocurrency that is pegged to the value of a fiat currency or other asset.
Supply cap
The maximum number of units of a cryptocurrency that will ever exist.
Sybil attack
An attack on a blockchain network where an attacker creates multiple fake identities in order to gain control of the network.
A digital asset that represents ownership in a particular project or network.
Transaction fee
The fee paid to miners to process a cryptocurrency transaction.
A system or transaction that does not require trust in a third party or intermediary.
Two-factor authentication
A security measure that requires two forms of verification before granting access to a cryptocurrency wallet or exchange.
Unconfirmed Transaction
A transaction that has been broadcast to the network but has not yet been added to the blockchain.
Utility Token
A token that is used to access or purchase a product or service on a blockchain network.
Vanity address
A cryptocurrency address that has been customized to spell out a particular word or phrase.
The degree of variation of a cryptocurrency’s price over time.
A software program or device used to store and manage cryptocurrency.
White paper
A technical document that outlines the features and functionality of a new cryptocurrency project.
x86 Virtual Machine (Qtum)
The X86 Virtual Machine empowers Qtum developers to create smart contracts utilizing a language that they prefer.
Yield Farming
A process of earning rewards by providing liquidity to a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform.
Zero-Knowledge Proof
A method of verifying the authenticity of a transaction without revealing any sensitive information.